Thursday 15 January 2015


Planning stages 

We have decided to not enrol the kids in distance education, instead I will be teaching them by my own plan for the six months. For Matilda, who is in year 2, I am estimating time wise it will be an hour a day (five days a week) of explicit instruction. Charlotte is in Pre Primary this year and her work will mainly be blending, segmenting, rhyme and letter recognition. We will complete handwriting worksheets and do basic counting and simple addition to cover maths. While school work is very important I also believe there is so much informal learning that happens on the road so we will play that part by ear and imbed most learning in our every day travels. 

Some days we may not do any formal work and other days we might do two or three hours. Some of the lessons I have designed as oral instruction (time tables drills and word games) so we can complete as we are driving.  

The other lessons are worksheet/workbook format and will need to be completed when we are set up somewhere.  My material list is quite low as I will have most of it on my laptop. Consumables like textas and glue can be purchased as needed.

For Matilda I have spent time reviewing the curriculum framework standards and writing up an overview.  I have selected several relevant outcomes for year 2 to cover while we are away. The beauty of writing an 'Individual Learning Plan' is that I can focus on areas she needs help with and can accelerate in her areas of strength. 

I won't put lesson plans on here as they are too long and boring for any non teacher types, but here is the draft of Matilda's learning journey for two terms that I am working on. I have collated relevant standards and come up with the following:  


NUMBER: Recognise and represent multiplication as repeated addition, groups and arrays

This will be completed on a daily basis in an explicit lesson using times table flashcards and counters
MONEY: Count and order small collections of Australian coins and notes according to their value

M will be exposed to different money denominations and be asked to count out money for purchases

LOCATION: Interpret simple maps of familiar locations and identify the relative positions of key features

M will use an ipad map to follow along the journey and plot locations on a larger scale map
CHANCE AND DATA: Identify a question of interest based on one categorical variable. Gather data relevant to the question
Collect, check and classify data
Create displays of data using lists, table and picture graphs and interpret them
M will collect and classify information and create various charts to display this information. (Relevant data examples; colours of cars, different types of vehicles on the road etc)

DIARY writing
Writing for PURPOSE

M will write in a diary on a daily basis. This process will be completed using the writing to recount method of the 5Ws (who, when, where, what and why).
M will be encouraged to expand on the text to add own feelings thoughts and ideas.
M will be guided with her grammar and spelling but will be expected to self-correct using a dictionary. M will also have access to a thesaurus to add adjectives to her text.

M will complete an online blog on a bi weekly basis using content from her diary.
M will be encouraged to recognize she has an audience for her text and to write in a manner that is semantically appealing.
M will focus on correct spelling, grammar and sentence construction.
M will complete this task independently with parent assistance only when required.
Parent to view before publishing.

M will have a visual journal that will be completed on a bi weekly basis. M will be required to draw landscapes and to use the arts as a mode of self-interpretation.

M will also be encouraged to take photographs for her blog. This will be done independently and without bias.
This learning will be informally assessed on a process rather than product base.

M will receive instruction on how to set up, maintain and publish information in her blog. M will be required to format her own pages and to add suitable photographs to the page.
M will receive assistance from the teacher during this part of the process.

M will complete crossword/puzzles and educational games on the ipad and laptop.
EXPLICIT learning
ORAL language skills

(20 minutes x2 per week)

M will complete the year 2 soundwaves workbook.
M will also receive an explicit oral language lesson focusing on areas such as homophones, blends, segmentations, synonyms, alliteration and compound words.

M will be asked to recount parts of the day to parents and will be encouraged to use correct grammar and pronunciation in this process.

M will make phone calls to family members and friends to continue to build on her oral language skills.

Using the text (primary values)
M will complete a worksheet weekly on protective behaviours and social skills. This will be completed with parent and will be discussed informally during and after.

M will research a different animal each week (relevant to the area) and will identifying (per curriculum framework) several aspects of the animal such as its external features, its habitat, its diet and recognize that science involves asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and events.

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