Friday 13 March 2015


I would think of myself as a semi organised person. Perhaps it is the primary school teacher in me.  I like things labelled and I like to have a plan. I also like a calendar and a diary and a good old fashioned checklist. 

Maybe too I am using this blog to organise my thoughts. However jumbled it may sound to you poor readers! 

My check list for pre trip tasks is starting to look quite accomplished. 

Organise a tenant for our unit- check
Go to bank and sort out finances and VISA card-check
Sort the first aid kit-check
Plan school work for six months-check
Book car 70,000km service-
Change our private health fund-check
Get a post office box to change our addresses to-
Book caravan parks between here and Darwin-check
Book car for wheel alignment-check
Buy a boundary collar for dog (to keep her in the yard at her babysitters while we are away)-check
Defer Uni-check
Start a blog for Matilda- half check
Organise a carpet cleaner and window cleaner for unit-
Buy kids a second set of bathers and hat-
Buy kids winter pyjamas- check (thanks nana)
Buy a single bed doona cover for camper-
Take mack book to apple shop-
Buy my sister a birthday present, wrap and leave it at mums for April 29th-check
Buy Abigail her birthday present, wrap and hide in my suitcase for May 18th-check

So I really only have a few bits left to do before we leave. 

Next weekend we are packing more stuff into the sea container. The weekend after we are packing the remaining things and moving to Mums for two weeks before we leave. That gives me two days to clean the unit before I hand over the keys to our tenant on April 1st. 

Craig was supposed to be finishing work on the Thursday before easter and we had a sneaky plan to leave a few days early and free camp our way to Kalbarri. But his boss has asked him to stay on another week. So he will be finishing up at work two days before we leave. 

I am dropping Gem off to the lovely dog sitters in ten days (sob!). We did have a short conversation about taking her with us. But it is not practical and near impossible given our national park stays and the fact we have no room in the back of the car. 

We are living in a semi packed and semi functioning unit at the moment. I am finding it hard to keep it clean and tidy in the circumstances. So I have abandon all efforts of trying! 

I think the count down is now at 28 days till we leave. I might just stop counting from here on in! 

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